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Another Voice: Catholic Health’s contract offer is unfair to health care ‘heroes’

August 30, 2021  |  Published by Buffalo News. Click here to read the full piece.

As a nurse in the Catholic Health system, the last year and a half has been the most traumatic time in my career. 

My colleagues and I watched patient after patient die from Covid-19. We witnessed families and loved ones say their final goodbyes over the phone or by videochat. 

But it was more than being faced with the constant illness and death. The pandemic also brought to light serious underlying issues at Catholic Health hospitals the put both the workers and the patients we care for at significant risk. 

The hospitals in the system are understaffed at the best of times, with low pay exacerbating turnover. We reached a crisis point during the pandemic, and it has not abated. 

Click here to read the full piece