September 16 - Bargaining Update

- CHS has moved off their proposal for pensions and are now proposing to keep pension as current contract.
- As a result of their movement on the pension, they moved backwards on wages. They have now moved off a common table wage scale. Anyone without a wage scale will still not have a wage scale and the ones who have one will remain exactly the way it is. Many Mercy STC will remain off the scale where they have been for years. They also have not agreed to any upgrades.
- They are proposing a 2% general wage increase this year and 1.5% increase there-after. **note we do not know if they are proposing a 2, 3 or 4 year contract since they have not proposed a duration.
- CHS remains at mandatory overtime for everyone except nurses
- Their Dental coverage proposal remains at a deduction in benefit for restorative dental from 70% to 50%.
- PTO is their proposal of 7/13/21 which is a decrease for some and the same for others.
- The Hospital is still proposing mandating the high deductible plan as well as increasing the contribution. 75% family contribution and 55% contribution.
- The bargaining committee is prepared to bargain all weekend in an effort to make progress.