June 9 - CHS Response to Union’s Monetary Proposals

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After more than two years of contract negotiations, Catholic Health presented the Union with their economic proposal on Wednesday, June 9. This package proposal would have a devastating financial impact on all our members.
Catholic Health’s Concessionary Response to Union’s Monetary Proposals:
Wages: Catholic Health has proposed a 1% wage proposal for each year of the contract. Catholic Health has proposed no upgrades to any job titles. Our proposal of separate and universal RN, Technical, Clerical, and Service scales was rejected. Our proposal of wage scales for KMT and SJC Service was rejected.
Pension: Freeze all pension plans effective 12/31/21 and offer a 403(b) plan. Catholic Health is proposing to replace the current voluntary 403(b) with a 3% automatic contribution and a match of 50% of up to 6% contributed to the plan. This proposal will seriously affect people in the legacy plans.
Pension Funding Levels: Rejected Union proposal on guaranteed funding levels of pension plans.
Staffing: The Hospital rejected our staffing proposal and made zero proposals to improve staffing.
Health Insurance: Catholic Health has proposed to decrease the cost-sharing to 70% for single and family full time employees and to 50% for part-time employees.
Health Insurance Plan: Add a Hybrid High Deductible plan as an option in 2022. Mandate the Hybrid High Deductible Plan for all members effective 1/1/2023.
- Increase Primary Care Co-Pay to $25
- Increase Specialty Office Visit to $50 (Unless using 340B Specialty Care Services)
Prescription: Co-Pay Increases/changes as follows:
First Choice
- Catholic Health Facility/Pharmacy - Tier 1: $5 Tier 2: $35 Tier 3: $65
- Non-Catholic Health Facility/Pharmacy - Tier 1: $5 Tier 2: $50 Tier 3: $100
Hybrid/High Deductible Plan
- Catholic Health Facility/Pharmacy - Tier 1: $10 Tier 2: $30 Tier 3: $50
- Non-Catholic Health Facility/Pharmacy - Tier 1: $10 Tier 2: $60 Tier 3: $100
Dental: Reduce the benefit on Restorative/Oral Surgery from 70% to 50%.
Call-In Pay: Minimum of three hours call pay.
Rejected Proposals
- All Upgrades
- Merger/Consolidation
- Organizing Rights
- Attendance Bonus
- Daily Overtime
- Epidemic/Pandemic
Waiting for Reponse
- Overtime
- Bonus Pay
These concessions management are pushing are unacceptable and show that CHS is not prioritizing PATIENT CARE or its workers. We demand CHS invest in our hospital and our community by take our proposals seriously.