May 18 - Our Contract Demands
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The elected bargaining team submitted our comprehensive financial proposals (see below) to CHS management. We know management will not take our demands seriously unless we are united at three hospitals and ready to fight to win our demands.
Our proposals:
MASTER CONTRACT: We propose one master contract with one common expiration date (June 2024) to give us more power at bargaining for stronger future contracts when we are at one table.
- Consistent wages and benefits across three hospitals.
- Each bargaining unit will ratify separately and we will still continue to have six separate bargaining units.
- Hospital/units will also bargain over local issues (e.g. Floating, PTO Scheduling, Downstaffing etc.)
MERGERS, TRANSFERS AND CONSOLIDATIONS: We want stronger language and more protections on mergers, transfers, and consolidations including 90 days’ notice to announce any changes and clear protections for employees for wages, benefits, and severance.
WAGES: We propose everyone is on a wage scale + across the board increases.
- Six percent raises for each year of the proposed three-year contract.
- Separate wage scales for service, technical, clerical, and RNs.
- Significant upgrades for numerous job titles.
- Increases for charge/lead pay, preceptor pay, shift differential.
STAFFING: Staffing Ratios (proposed in February of 2020).
ORGANIZING RIGHTS for non-union CHS workers. We want to make it easier for non-
union workers to join us in CWA without negative interference from management.
PANDEMIC PROTECTIONS: Our first ever proposals related to current and future pandemics. We demand a stronger voice on pandemic related workplace and health and safety issues such as PPE, staffing, hazard pay, breaks and lunches.
HEALTH INSURANCE: We propose common language across three hospitals, improvements in cost sharing for 2 hospitals.
BONUS PAY: For additional shifts picked up, members receive $10 per hour over base pay in addition to overtime.
OVERTIME: We propose daily overtime.
PTO: We proposed a standard PTO grid for all three hospitals with consistent benefits
across the system.
PRECEPTOR PAY AND TRAINING: We propose consistent preceptor language,
training and pay for every job title.
TUITION AND ENHANCED TUITION: We propose consistent language across three
hospitals, demand CHS address reimbursement problems/delays.
ADDITIONAL COMMON LANGUAGE: We propose common language for all members, all bargaining units across the three hospitals for the following:
- Dental coverage
- Sick leave (in accordance with NY State paid sick leave and former ESL.)
- Prescription drugs
- Tax Shelter Annuity
Questions: For Mercy and Kenmore members call Local 1133 at (716) 828-1133 and St. Joes members call Local 1168 at (716) 639-1168.