June 17 - Health & Safety Update

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We are highly concerned that radiology employees across the CHS system have been working with unsafe and inadequate protective equipment.
Members at Kenmore Mercy hospital have been asking Kenmore management for years for properly fitting aprons for the radiology department and throughout the hospital. Management has refused to address our concerns.
After reporting the unsafe aprons to the Department of Health, the agency identified that a majority of lead aprons in all departments had severe internal and external damage and removed them from use.
If you or someone in your department is concerned your lead apron, or other equipment is unsafe or damaged, we recommend filing incident report and demanding a new one.
We have been hearing widespread reports of lack of supplies, out of date or broken equipment. This is unacceptable and unsafe for our patients and for us as workers.
If you are dealing with this in your deparment, please contact your eboard or bargaining team member or call your local at (716) 828-1133 or (716) 639-1168.