September 3 - Common Table Bargaining Update

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Major Outstanding Items
Agreement, Agreement MOU, and Duration | Very far apart. Catholic Health has made it clear they want to move away from the 2016 MOU to bargain language together and they refuse to give us an official response on expiration dates. |
Bonus Pay | We have a very substantial proposal on bonus pay and Catholic Health has proposed a much lower amount of pay. |
Health Insurance | Catholic Health has proposed to decrease the Hospital contribution to 70% for single and family full-time and to 50% for part-time employees.
Catholic Health is also proposing to mandate all employees go into a high deductible plan effective 1/1/2023.
Merger/Consolidation | We want a negotiated process for how Merger/Consolidation issues will be handled between the sites. Due to the significant changes in healthcare happening on a regular basis, this is very important to have a clear process. |
Overtime | The Hospital is proposing mandatory overtime for Service, Clerical and Technical. The Union withdrew our proposal on daily overtime in order to focus the resources on Bonus Pay. |
Paid Time Off (PTO) | The Union is proposing standardized PTO across all sites. Catholic Health’s proposal would be a decrease in days for employees at Mercy. |
Pandemic | CWA has proposed a comprehensive Pandemic proposal and Catholic Health has rejected our proposal. |
Pension & Tax-Sheltered Annuity (403(b)) | Catholic Health is proposing to freeze the pension plans and implement the following:
Effective 1/1/2022, all active eligible employees will receive a contribution of 3% of their pay into the Catholic Health sponsored 403(b) plan.
Effective 1/1/2022, all active eligible employees will receive a matching contribution of 50% of the first 6% contributed to the Catholic Health 403(b0) plan upon completion of the plan year and eligibility requirements.
In addition, they have not made commitments on funding the pension plans. |
Prescription | Catholic Health continues to propose significant increases to the prescriptions co-pays. |
Salaries | Catholic Health has finally responded to our proposal on the Technical, Clerical and Service wages scales. Their proposal red circles 367 employees in the first year of the contract. They are proposing a 1% increase in a second, third and fourth year.
It is not clear based upon their proposal if Catholic Health has agreed to any of our upgrade proposals. |
Staffing | The Hospital has rejected our staffing proposal which includes staffing ratios and a clear commitment on how units and job titles will be staffed. They have made no staffing proposal in response to our proposal.
The Hospital has proposed retention and recruitment bonus for night shift float pool RNs, NAs and ITAs only.
Additional Outstanding Articles
Attendance & Tardiness | Union proposing to standardize language across all sites. |
Contracting Out | We are proposing improvements including that Catholic Health will not contract out Environmental Services. |
Dental | Employer proposes decrease in restorative oral surgery from 75% to 50%.
Disability & Workers Compensation | Attempting to standardize for all sites. Catholic Health wants to decrease the amount of time you carry health insurance while disabled for most employees. |
Extended Sick Leave | Outstanding issue related to the two separate frozen ESL bank and SLP bank and utilization of the frozen bank. |
Hospital Discounts | Catholic Health wants to decrease the ER discount to 50% up to a discounted max of $25. |
Job Descriptions | We're trying to work to get to one set of job qualifications for each job description. We are also working to create career paths so that employees can advance in their careers in the Hospital.
Labor Management Initiative | Close to an agreement with minimal changes. |
Leave of Absence | On hold due to language about pension credit during leave of absence. |
Management Rights | Union proposal clarifying the Union’s right to bargain over changes. |
Organizing Agreement | We have proposed the ability to organize other Catholic Health employees without interference from Catholic Health. This is especially important as Catholic Health moves our work to places like the contact center. |
Preceptor (RN, Technical and Service and Clerical) | Employer wants to require employees to precept if there are no volunteers. |
Transitional Duty | Close to an agreement. Issue regarding language about ESB. |
Weather Emergency/Emergency Closure | We proposed language that would deal with when there is a declared weather emergency or state of emergency. People will be able to take PTO or excused absence without pay in a weather emergency. We are proposing double time for all employees during Erie County declared weather emergency.
Agreement in Principle or Tentative Agreement
Agency | Hospital can't utilize agency unless a bonus has been implemented. Agency have to work hours and shift of posted positions. Hospital will now be required to plan for short term occurrences. |
Access to Hospital-Union Representatives
| In agreement with minor changes.
Bargaining Unit Work | In agreement with minor changes. |
Bereavement Leave | In agreement, clarification is that the 3 scheduled workdays can be extended to include the funeral or memorial service.
Bulletin Boards
| In agreement with minor changes.
Corrective Action | In agreement. Clarified issue with shift differential while an employee is on paid administrative leave.
Dues Deduction
| In agreement with minor changes.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
| In agreement with minor changes.
Family Medical Leave Act | New article, separated from LOA, in line with the law. |
Grievance Procedure
| In agreement with minor changes.
Jury Duty | In agreement, a number of changes made, primarily to clarify jury duty on evening and night shift. |
Life Insurance | In agreement with minor changes |
Long Term Disability Insurance
| In agreement with minor changes. |
| In agreement with minor changes.
Mini-Arbitration Procedure | In agreement to delete. |
New York State Paid Family Leave
| New Article, in line with the law
| In agreement with minor changes.
No Strike No Lockout | In agreement with minor changes. Reminder: This only goes into effect when we have a ratified contract! |
Personnel Files
| In agreement with minor changes.
Political Action Fund (PAF)
| In agreement with minor changes.
Probationary Period
| In agreement with minor changes.
Responsible Union Employer Relationship
| In agreement with minor changes.
Savings Clause | In agreement, minor changes. |
Seasonal Employees | In agreement. |
Students | In agreement, minor changes. |
Subpoenaed Employees
| In agreement with minor changes.
Travel | In agreement, minor changes. |
Tuition & Enhanced Tuition | In agreement, modified language to include a clear application and approval process. |
Union Membership | In agreement. |
Union Printing | In agreement, minor changes. |